سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن
[ و چون از صفین باز مى‏گشت ، به گورستان برون کوفه نگریست و فرمود : ] اى آرمیدگان خانه‏هاى هراسناک ، و محلتهاى تهى و گورهاى تاریک ، و اى غنودگان در خاک اى بى کسان ، اى تنها خفتگان اى وحشت زدگان شما پیش از ما رفتید و ما بى شماییم و به شما رسندگان . امّا خانه‏ها ، در آنها آرمیدند ، امّا زنان ، به زنى‏شان گزیدند . امّا مالها ، بخش گردیدند . خبر ما جز این نیست ، خبرى که نزد شماست چیست ؟ [ سپس به یاران خود نگریست و فرمود : ] اگر آنان را رخصت مى‏دادند که سخن گویند شما را خبر مى‏دادند که بهترین توشه‏ها پرهیزگارى است . [نهج البلاغه]
مشخصات مدیروبلاگ
سید محمد باقر آقایی[107]
برگ سبزی است تحفه ی درویش تقدیم به تو ای بهترین دوست بی عشق خمینی نتوان عاشق مهدی شد

خبر مایه


O Allah, terrible was the calamity,
and its evil consequences are visible,
the covering has been removed,
(all) hopes have been cut off, the
(plentiful) earth has shrunk (with
very little to spare), the heavenly
blessings have been withheld. You
alone can help, we refer our grief
and sorrow to You, we have full faith
in You, in the time of distress, as
well as in good fortune.
O Allah, send blessings on
Muhammad and on the children of
whom we must obey as per Your
command, through which we become
aware of their rank and status, and
let there be joy after sorrow for us,
for their sake, right away, in the
twinkle of an eye, more rapidly than
that. O Muhammad,
O Ali, O Ali, O Muhammad,
Give me enough, because both of you
provide sufficiently. Help me,
because both of you help and protect.
O our master , O the living Imam,


Reach me! Reach me! Reach me!
At once, in this hour. Be quick,
be quick, be quick, O the most merciful,
for the sake of Muhammad and his
pure children.

85/6/13::: 4:4 ع